How It Works?

Say goodbye to financial stress with Gasta loan services.

  • Quick processes
  • Lower Rates
  • Instant disbursement
  • Flexible repayment

Our sole goal at Gasta is to help you get the right loan deal by the most appropriate loan lender. With countless number of lending companies in South Africa, it could be troublesome for you to find the right deal. But with our easy comparison facility you can easily find the right loan solution, while keeping the complete process simple and quick.

Gasta is not a lender, nor does it extend any credit. We will simply collect the information that you provide and forward it to the lenders in our network. Each lender has different requirements and regulations. Besides, approval will be based on the information you provide and on various other factors such as your repayment ability, where you reside, current credit status, level of outstanding debt and so on.

Once we have matched you with an appropriate lender, the approval process will not take you more than a few minutes. We will direct you to the lender’s website where you will find detailed information of the loan deal. Upon approval the fund will get transferred directly into your bank account within one working day. To avoid delay, try applying during normal working hours and fill out the application completely.

In the loan agreement, all lenders will provide detailed information about the repayment schedule, fees, renewals, and Annual Percentage Rates (APRs) of the loan deal. Ensure you have read all the terms and conditions carefully ahead of signing it. If you are not satisfied with the loan terms, simply refuse it and you can again reapply and get matched with another lender.

Regardless of how much cash you may have borrowed, repayment should be done when the loan is due. Missed or delayed payment will incur new finance charges. Besides, failure to repayment may also bring collection calls, legal action and have a negative effect to your credit rating. Besides, not all lenders may offer loan extensions. Thus, at Gasta we advise you to check the lender’s policies carefully ahead of entering into a loan agreement.

Gasta Benefits

There are many reasons behind choosing Gasta to fund your financial needs, and some are:



You can apply for online instant payday loans from anywhere by using active internet connection. There's no involvement of paperwork or any other hassle.


Money 24/7

From application to getting money from payday loan, whole process usually completed within few minutes. It means you can get cash quickly, especially during emergencies.



Online payday loans are not just convenient and fast, but they are also safe and secure way of borrowing money. These loans are regulated by government laws.


No Hard Credit Checks

There are no hard credit checks involvement with payday loans. It means, there is no need to worry about loan rejection due to bad credit score.

Our partners

We only partner with NCR certified lenders